Preorder items generally have an estimated ship date of 6-8 weeks from purchase. This timeline may vary depending on manufacturing issues, postal service delays, etc.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes! I ship everywhere except the UK.
What are shipping times?
Non-preorder shipping will generally ship within 3-5 business days. Delivery times vary depending on its destination.
US = 1-2 weeks
Everywhere else = 3-4 weeks
Does my package include tracking?
Yes! All my packages have a tracking number and package insurance to ensure your items arrive safely!
Do you accept returns?
I do not accept returns. If there has been an error with your order, please contact me so we can resolve the matter.
Why hasn't my order shipped yet?
If your order contains any preorder items, all items, non-preorder included, will be shipped at the same time. If you wish to have non-preorder items earlier, please make a separate order with those items, or contact me. Otherwise, if your item has not shipped within the shipping period described above, please feel free to contact me!
What is the policy on custom fees and taxes?
The customer is responsible for all custom fees and taxes that may occur.